Our Location
14 Avenida Torreon
Santa Fe, NM 87508
Mailing Address
7 Avenida Vista Grande, B7-192
Santa Fe, NM 87508
Between El Dorado Community School and the Adam Senior Center
Our Current Hours
Sunday-Monday Closed
Tuesday-Friday 10 am-6 pm
Saturday 10 am-4 pm
Contact Us
(505) 466-7323
Fostering lifelong learning in a supportive community environment
Library Art Exhibition Space - Featured Artists
September Artists:
​During the month of September, Vista Grande Public Library hosts an art exhibit of the Santa Fe art legend, Dale Amburn (1928-2014), thanks to the generosity of his estate executor and daughter, Debra Meyer, an artist in her own right and an Eldorado resident. The exhibit – “Artist Dale Amburn: A Life Lived in Color” – will run from September 1 – 30. As always, a percentage of sales of artwork will benefit the library, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
In the display case, jewelers Janice St. Marie and Sharon Chuh will be exhibiting their custom jewelry incorporating beautiful stones including turquoise, amber, coral, and semi-precious stones, as well as a variety of beads and leather work.
A public reception will be held Saturday, Sept. 7th, from 1-3 pm. As always, a percentage of sales of artwork will benefit the library, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Coming in October:
​In October, Vista Grande Public Library features the photography of John Ninnemann and the ceramics of Monika Heikkero.​
Art at the Library
These exhibitions are presented by VGPL to give patrons another enrichment experience when visiting the library located south of the El Dorado School, on 14 Ave Torreon, Santa Fe, NM 87508. Library hours are 10-6 Tu-Fri., and 10-4 on Sat. Exhibition art will be on sale by the artist. The library will receive a sales commission benefiting operations and library programming.