Our Location
14 Avenida Torreon
Santa Fe, NM 87508
Mailing Address
7 Avenida Vista Grande, B7-192
Santa Fe, NM 87508
Between El Dorado Community School and the Adam Senior Center

Our Current Hours
Sunday-Monday Closed
Tuesday-Friday 10 am-6 pm
Saturday 10 am-4 pm
Contact Us
(505) 466-7323
Fostering lifelong learning in a supportive community environment
Digital Resources
Libary Electronic Resources
Did you know our Library Catalogs include numerous Electronic Resources? Select our Library Catalog menu above and choose from:
Libby - New Mexico's Library To-go option for digital books and audio recordings
El Portal - a data base collection of newspapers, journal articles, magazines and reference materials
Project Gutenberg - a free collection of over 30,000 eBooks
LibriVox - a public domain for literature recordings
Geni - a genealogy database (Note: GeniPro is available at the Library only)
Learning Express - used to review skills and prepare for tests available through the Library catalog
​​Digital Resources Available through New Mexico State Library - Community Technology Network
A variety of Digital Resources - El Portal
Resources available include:
Career Online High School
Brain Fuse Help Now - provides online tutoring and homework help in English and Spanish
Gale Database
News Bank - online searchable database providing access to three New Mexico newspapers
New York Times
Palace Project eBooks
Ben's Guide to the US Government
Native American and Indigenous Peoples Collection - includes political, religious, legal, medical, commercial and military perspectives
Chilton Library - automotive repair help
National Council on Aging - offers free online technology courses through ATT Connected Learning. NCOA.org and att.digitallearn.org
Niche Academy - NMSL Professional Development Academy
Resources available through Niche include:
Homeless Library Academy,
Navigating Niche
Library 101+
For additional information on services available, see our Digital Resources Program Sheet.
Other Resources:
refseek* - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources for encyclopedias, monographies, and magazines.
WorldCat - the world's largest library catalog includes a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries.
Springer - access to more than 10 million scientific documents including books, articles, journals, and rsearch protocols
Bioline - a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
RePEc - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
Science.gov - provides access to millions of authoritative scientific research results from U.S. Federal agencies.
Commerce Research Library - provides academic studies of which about 60% are open access.
FamilySearch - one of the largest free genealogy sites for historical records, pictures, education, and tutorials; registration required