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Your Community Library - What We Offer

Books and magazines of all kinds: hard back, paperback, large print, audio and digital Electronic Resources

Music CDs and DVDs, movie, program and documentary DVDs;

Apple MAC and Microsoft PC computers; Internet/WiFi, soundproof POD for virtual meetings,

printing and copying services, private cubicles, community meeting room with projection capabilities

iPods, telescopes, microscopes, baking pans, museum passes, and puzzles - lots of puzzles!

Adult, youth and children's programs and offerings

Special Community Events

Art exhibitions - and so much more!

VGPL Current Events

Grownup Movie Night: Fri., Feb. 21, 6:30 pm.

Conclave - rated PG. ​


​Ken Bower: Telling New Mexico, Saturday, February 22, 1-2pm. Join Ken Bower, a volunteer docent with the New Mexico History Museum, for a presentation about stagecoach travel in New Mexico and the history of stagecoaches. Refer to the flyer for additional information.


Legal Resources for the Elderly Program (LREP) webinar: Tuesday, March 11, 11:00 am.  This webinar will cover Powers of Attorney, Advance Healthcare Directives, probate, non-probate transfers (including Transfer on Death Deeds), and Institutional Medicaid. For additional information and how to register please refer to the attached flyer


Toddler Story Time: Thursdays, 10:30 am.


Wags and Words: Our reading dog is back! Please call to schedule an appointment. Click here for more info.


​Book Donations: Now accepting appointments for book, CD/DVD collection donations, please contact the Library Director to make your appointment. 


Early Literacy Calendars: Care givers of young children can use these monthly calendars to get tips on raising a successful reader. See the Children's Programs page. ​​


Fall Appeal: Our Fall Appeal is underway! Did you know about 60% of our budget is achieved through fundraisers and donations? Resources you contribute provide continued support for our programs, events and collections. Please consider donating this Holiday Season by visiting our Fall Appeal information page, and Thank You!


Volunteers Needed, Donations Accepted!

As a Nonprofit 501c3, VGPL is an independent library with 40+ volunteers contributing 5,000+ hours annually in support of circulation, cataloging, inventory management, fundraisers, and various patron programs for all ages. Volunteers are always needed! And while approximately 40% of the library's facility and financial support is provided by Santa Fe County, the New Mexico State Library Association, and grants, the remaining 60% of our annual operating budget depends upon the community's generous donations through our Annual Appeals, legacy gifts, contributions to our Invested Funds, various fundraisers, book and audio/visual collection donations. Your donations support daily operations, library programs, collections, and special events and ensure our future. For more information on how you can make a difference, please visit our "Support Us" page, or donate financially one time or monthly through PayPal using the following links. 



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  • VGPL Facebook Page

Library Electronic Resources:

Did you know our Library Catalogs include numerous Electronic Resources? Select our Library catalog menu above and choose from:

  • Libby - New Mexico's Library To-Go option for digital books and audio recordings

  • El Portal - a database collection of newspapers, journal articles, magazines and reference materials

  • Project Gutenberg - free collection of over 30,000 eBooks

  • LibriVox - public domain literature recordings 

  • Geni - genealogy database (GeniPro in library only)

  • Learning Express - use to review skills and prepare for tests

For additional information, refer to our Digital Resources page. 


Monthly Board Meeting: â€‹

The next monthly Board Meeting is February 17, 2025 at 5:30pm. Open to the public, click here for the monthly meeting agenda when available.  â€‹


For additional information, contact Jody Price at

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